
February 08, 2012

How to draw a Tulip: Method 2

This is a second part of How to draw a Tulip and this time I'll be using a tut I found on
I'll tell you the truth; I was a little bit confused by this tutorial.
You know how they say about the situation when you don't even have time to get scared - and that's it? You're done?
That was exactly it. I started the sketch and in no time I was done. I mean come on!! Can it be THAT easy?
Well, I guess it can. Because this tutorial is as short as blinking! Do try it, it's amazing

This is the result. You draw an egg shape and then you add some petals.

And these are the sketches of the online references.

While I'm sketching I'm trying to keep in mind that there are at least 10 sketches to be made. Which, I'm happy to tell, I did this time.

Have a great day,

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