
August 31, 2012

Narcissus/Daffodil: Links and conclusions

Hi all,

It's Time to conclude again.
Usually when I start a new month and finish collecting tutorial links, I usually sort these links from easiest to the most difficult. This time I couldn't since they all seemed pretty simple.
So, for your consideration, here's the list:

1. Method 1 - Taken from DragonArt. Nice and simple.
2. Method 2 - is taken from Drawing How to draw, I love it, there are some great sketches in it.
3. Method 3 - is taken from TLC how to, stunning sketches, as always.
4. Method 4 - well, I skipped it due to a PC failier, which, I believe you remember me posting about. (published Sept 2013)
5. Method 5 - same as Method 4. But I do promise to make an update on these and to publish it soon. (Added Dec 2013 under the original date).
6. Method 6 - taken from Simply one stroke, a blog of a One stroke method artist, Pat Goh.

This is an additional DragonArt method I found but didn't use - but you are welcome to check it.

And this is an Echo and Narcissus story, if you didn't get to read it in my Opening post for this month.

Have a great day,

P.S. when I searched for an online images of these flowers I realized that searching for Daffodils gave me a better image list than searching for Narcissus. I wonder...

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