
September 20, 2012

Happy Rosh HaShana

Happy Rosh haShana, everyone!!

For me it was a special one since it was the very first time that I spent Rosh haShana outside and without my family. Don't be alarmed, everything is fine. It's just that we took a vacation with our friends and kids to Golan Heights and spend the holidays there. And what a holiday was that!!!

We were waking up to a birds singing and bees buzzing; a friendly local dog visiting us every single day. Also we had a very rare chance to watch a sky filled with stars - since there was almost no city illumination in the area.

On the Rosh haShana eve we had a semi traditional meal with pomegranates, apples dipped in honey and a delicious honey cake with almonds on top- yes, I know, I should've make some pictures.

And of course, we walked around the area, visiting a local winery and a watching really small waterfall.

But mostly, we just rested enjoying our kids and being lazy at times.

Although, I must admit, I really missed the hustle of preparing a grand meal on a Rosh HaShana eve... But no worries, I'll compensate on Sukkot, which is just two weeks away...

Wishing you a great holiday season,

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