
October 31, 2012

Pansy: Links and conclusions

Hi all!

It's the end of October so let us conclude.

It seems that as much as I love pansies they are very boring to sketch. I don't know, I just didn't feel challenged by these flowers. I do hope that when I do them in color, it will be more interesting.

In the meantime, these are the methods I found on the subject.
  1. Method 1 - taken from How To draw
  2. Method 2 - taken from DragoArt
  3. Method 3 - also taken from DragoArt
  4. Method 4 - taken from TLC.

This is an additional tutorial that I didn't use but it's possible you might find it interesting. Taken from How to draw cartoons.

October 12, 2012

How to draw a Pansy - method 2

This one is from Dragoart and it's super easy, no challenge at all!
Could pansy be such a simple flower to draw?

I have only three sketches this time, but I got so bored I decided to stop in the middle.

This was made by it's tut.

And these are by reference (1, 2)

What a pity.....

October 08, 2012

Sukkot greeting card

Hi all and happy holidays!!

It's Sukkot time now. It is the one before the last of the Jewish holidays for this season. There will be nothing until Hannukah in December. Which gives me plenty of time to work on a new card. But in the meantime let me walk you through the process of creating this Sukkot card I made recently.

When I started my research for Sukkot card I immediately thought of a Palm tree. This is actually the first thing that comes in my mind when I think of Sukkot: these huge palm tree branches that cover the top of every Sukkah. I really wanted to include them in my card so the very first thing I did was to create a background with palm tree branches. A second later I added a light blue background to imitate the bright sky.

Then I added a frame and some traditional Sukkot elements - the Four Species. After completing these images and after adding a greeting I looked at my card and realized that it looked boring and empty. So I started to play with decorative elements again - and if you remember, one of the things people do with their newly built Sukkah is to decorate it. So it was only appropriate.

I knew that since there major theme of the card was already complicated and filled with details I should have added some simple element here. So I added a light gradient triangle on the left. I knew I wouldn't want for it to look like some kind of a mirror or add reflections - it would only make a mess. But after a while I saw that one triangle was not working so I added another one on the right. For me it was like creating an open doors effect.

After a while I added some gradient sticks to the corner of the card and it was finally completed.
I was happy.

Have a great Sukkot everyone!!!

October 06, 2012

Rosh haShana greeting card

Hi hi and happy holidays!

Rosh haShana is a Jewish new year. It is about new beginnings, wishings for a sweet and fruitful year and a great mood.

When creating this one I obviously wanted to use warm, honey - like colors with images of food that are always on a traditional Rosh haShana tables.

I started playing with the food images trying to combine four major elements: honey, apples, dates and pomegranate (I didn't really see how fish head would work here, although it would be appropriate).  After finishing the main theme I started playing with the background.

I must say that lately I have this thing with frames and for some reason I didn't want to do a symmetrical one here. And you know what? I think this asymmetry work nicely here! I did the frame and since it still looked empty to me I started playing with the elements. I must say that the dashed line came completely by accident, but I'm glad it did. It might look like an old fashioned card, but I like it.

I hope you do to.

Happy holidays!!!

October 03, 2012

How to draw a Pansy: Method 1

Hi all,

This first tut is taken from How to draw. It's pretty simple: you draw a circle, then add 5 petals and shade. This is it. 5 minutes on the clock.
The coolest thing about a pansy is that you don't have to draw your lines straight; they can definitely be a little bit curvy.

This is the result. (refs 1, 2, 3)

The one thing I've learned from this lesson is that when shading a big area you should shade simultaneously in several areas. I did this pansy on a A4 sheet so it was a pretty large area to shade. I divided the petals into several areas each so I don't loose a shading direction. and that made my life so much easier!!!

But it appears that drawing pansies with pencils is pretty boring, not like Roses or Callas. And as much as I like pansies - and I really do - it might be pretty difficult for me to draw them for a whole month. I'll have to think of something to deal with this task easily.

October 01, 2012

October: Month of a Pansy


It's October and it's time to move on to another flower!!! This time - a Pansy!!!

I see them mostly in winter and they tend to survive Israeli rain and heavy sun. And apparently, they are real survivors, since they can live in snow too. Which is nice, because any winter could use some color.

Pansy is a cultivated hybrid of several Violets and the difference is all in the petals. They both have 5 petals but in Pansy four grow up and one down and in Violet - three grow up and two down.

Pansy comes in many colors, single and double. They come in purple, yellow, white and black. According to Wikipedia, no flower comes as black as Pansy.

Mostly cultivated in Britain, by the year 1833 there were more than 400 types of pansies available.

Its name means "thought" and therefore in many cases it was chosen as a symbol of freethinking. It was mentioned in poetry and fine arts and apparently, it has no smell. How "nice" is that?

Have a great day,