
January 24, 2013

Drawspace: Beginner level A04-A09

Hi hi,

Let's continue. 

Today is A04 lesson of a Drawspace online art program. This is a text only article, where the author talks about organizing your work space - chairs, tables, lamps, storage. How you can make your workplace comfortable. 

Lesson A05 is all about constructing a portfolio. Like literally building the case itself from cardboard, ropes and duct tape. So if you are a really creative person, it can turn out just wonderfully.

Lesson A06 is all about sitting in a right position to avoid any physical damage; A07 is about constructing and using a viewfinder frame. This one is actually very useful; it's just like looking into a photo camera eyepiece while trying to find a perfect frame.

In Lesson A08 the author talks about the natural movement of the artist's hand. Reading the article I've learned that Leonardo da Vinci was a left handed and that this can be seen from the way he shaded his sketches (from left to right); it's a new thing for me. Brenda, the author, suggests the student to try and find one's natural hand movement. After doing the exercise I've realized that my natural hand movement is the one from bottom left corner to upper right and vice versa and from the one from above down. Definitely an interesting and an important lesson, A08!

The last lesson of this section, A09 is all about curved lines. Just like in the previous lesson the idea was to find one's natural hand movement. I found that I was comfortable to work both left to right and right to left.

And apparently this is all for the first part of the program. I have no idea why I skipped it when I first time started it, it didn't take me too long to complete, and it was absolutely useful.

What about you? Did you find this section of the program useful?

I'll be moving to section B now.

See you soon,

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