
May 19, 2013

Drawspace: Lesson C05 - How to draw a cartoon lion

Hi all!!

Welcome to Lesson C05 of a Drawspace art program. 
This lesson is about drawing Linus the Lion. It is also about drawing the image using a symmetry line. 
While sketching I created more helping lines that Ms. Hoddinott suggested, I added the eye and the ear level lines and the muzzle level line.

This is the result, it was really an easy one.

When I got to the end of the lesson I've realized that there was no challenge in this one. But while sketching Linus, I constantly thought of Alex the Lion from Madagascar movies. So I decided to create my own challenge. 
To draw Alex I first Cropped the image and made it B&W with Photoshop to escape the destruction of the color.

Since this image is not as symmetrical as Linus the Lion, I decided to use my new Drawspace skills to make it as accurate as I can.

So here it is, the final result.

And boy, it was a challenge!!!
But it was a nice experience. I even dated it so I could draw it a few months' time to see the difference between now and then.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

Have a great day,

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