
June 18, 2013

Drawspace: Lesson C11 - how to draw Merbaby

Hi all,

and welcome to C11 lesson of a Drawspace art program.

As I move on from one lesson to another it seems that these lessons become more and more difficult. I mean, a Merebaby after an alligator? Shouldn't there be something in between? But I guess that the way it should be - the more skilled you become, the more complicated things become. So I'll stop complaining about it and enjoy my progress.

So - a Merebaby. I've never done a drawing of a baby, let alone a Merebaby. My first result is cute, I think, it took me no longer then 10 minutes to complete and several more minutes to outline.

The original drawing came out pretty small, just half a page, although it is not really visible here. It might be because I was pretty chicken about drawing a human body - even if it's a cartoon version of it - so I went very little this time.
This is the outlined version. It seems that I tend to struggle with making a long and nice line with my Sharpie so I have to work on it.

As for the challenge - there won't be any this time...

I hope you find this lesson as cute and easy as I did.

Have a great day,

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