
October 02, 2013

Drawspace lesson H12: How to draw a long hair

Hi all,

Today we draw a long straight hair. I guess this is the easiest way to draw hair - to make it straight. Because I have no idea (yet, I believe) what it takes to draw a curly hair.

But let's get this Lesson (H12) started.

To draw a believable (any) hair one must use a wide variety of different pencils and have lots and lots of patience, because this one will surely take some time. With that said, let's now waste it and start drawing.
First there's an oval to draw and place a single point from which a hair grows.
Then the magic begins.

So there's the sketch. Since I didn't really like the outcome, I decided to do another sketch, but after comparing, I can see that the first sketch is way better.

It was interesting, and inspiring, and educational, and a really cool thing to draw.

Anyway, I decided to do a challenge and draw more of a straight hair. Here it is.

I loved this lesson; it was very nice to do it. Although, I've noticed that the final result is not always presented in the beginning of the lesson. I have to scroll down to see the final result to estimate the mapping of the sketch. Or maybe it's just a way to make a student read the lesson through.

I wish you all great day,

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