
October 08, 2013

Drawspace lesson H14: How to draw a child's face

Hi all.

We are moving on to Lesson H14 and it's going to be interesting. The idea of this lesson is to draw familiar objects upside down. To be exact, it's about drawing a child's face upside down.

As for me, the idea is lovely. You get to learn to look on familiar objects as if for the first time and get to train your eyes all over again. I actually added this exercise to my future "How to develop creativity" series that will begin soon.

But in the meantime let's concentrate on the given kid. This is the sketch in his upside down position, before I turned it back.

It was a very interesting experience. It was like drawing something for the first time. Like this was something I was unfamiliar with and got to know it for the first time.

And this is the final, shaded sketch.

I think it is a nice sketch. Obviously, it's not perfect, but it's not bad ether. I really hate the lips, they are way too large. But I do like how the hair came out and the eyes, although they look larger than they should be. The nose is under-shaded, but I'll leave it as is...

Have a great day,

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