
October 26, 2013

Drawspace lesson I04: how to draw a spotted hair

Hi hi,

This lesson is about drawing fur. To be more precise, a spotted fur - double challenge. Not only it's about short strikes but also it's about graduated ones. So let's deal with it. Welcome to lesson I04 of a Drawspace art program.

What we do is we draw several different shaped large spots - I'd call them clouds - and we fill it with short and thin strokes. Which means pencils have to be freshly sharpened. 

I decided to do a half scaled sketch, feeling too intimidated.

There are two sketches.
Here fur was done first and spots second.

And here - spots and then the hair.

I'm not sure whether one is better than the other; I somehow feel that something was left unsaid in this lesson, because my fur doesn't look like Breanda's fur in the lesson. Or maybe it's just the luck of practice.

I decided to take a challenge and did this fur ball. First step was to create a place spot clouds and shading guidelines.

After that I filled the circle with short strokes.

This fur ball doesn't look that bad, but I still cannot break the code of drawing fur. I wish do you have some tips for me? How can I perfect it? 

If you have any ideas, do share here.

Have a great day,

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