
November 02, 2013

365 drawings - 1 drawing per day: October 2013

Hi all.

This is my report on 365 drawings: 1 drawing per day project. It seems to me that at this point I just can't do only one sketch - I do several every day. The idea is to draw everything, anything, whatever I see in front of me. Coffee mugs, baby toys, computer screen, rough and quick, anything goes.

This is the outcome. 24 A5 pages filled with sketches.

It was not an easy task. At times I missed days and compensated with several sketches in one day. Somehow at mid-month I filled 15 A5 pages. 15 small pages for 15 days. Sometimes the process was lazy and difficult; at times it was cool, fun and easy. Since the paper is so thing I used only one side of it. Some of the objects were interesting and cute enough for me to do several perspectives of it.
At some point I was brave enough to start sketching more complicated objects (they are for me) like scissors, hair brushes and irons. And by the end of the month I ended up with two thick booklets filled with sketches. And that was the whole point!

I invite you to join this experiment and share your thoughts here. It is to become a monthly thing, so do join me!

Have a great day,

P.S. It took me more than an hour to scan and arrange it all. Boring and frustrating work. After looking at the result I decided to re-scan it all since the scan was horrible. After another scanning attempt I decided to photograph it all. It took me a long time but the result was much, much better. For the next time I intend to learn how to better control my camera too.

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