
November 26, 2013

Drawspace lesson J02: How to pencil blend properly

So, just like the title says, lesson J02 is about pencil blending. I wrote before about how I feel about blending here, so I won't repeat it. I do understand now, after reading this lesson, that there are many factors to consider. Things like paper and pencil quality or a blending tool and a bare (oily) finger touching the sketch. Also I learned that no blending will improve badly shaded sketch. I guess that was the reason for me hating the shading technique this much: so dirty and no improvement.

So with that in my mind, I decided to make an experiment of my own.

I decided to do two sets of blends - one set made on a simple white printing paper I use on an every day basis and another made on a thicker off-white acid-free 180 mg paper.

These blends were done on a white paper.
Messy shading


And these were done on a heavier off-white paper:


I must say that the experience of shading on a heavier paper was very interesting. The shading is smoother and better looking. It makes me wonder....

What do you think?

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