
November 18, 2013

Taking a break from blogging: a must or a no-no?

Hi all!

Last week was a weird one. For the first time this year I think I managed to make an almost week long gap between my posts. I know I post a lot, and every post is includes several sketches that become more and more complicated, thus it takes longer to draw them. I have no particular reason for this gap, I just feel that my energy is somewhat off. Just a bit. The irritating thing is that I do want to draw! Very much! But whenever I take the pencil in my hands I put it down almost immediately.
Last month I started a 365 drawing project - one or more fast sketches per day, and this month I did no sketches. I joined Conjure for her weekly flashmobs only to realize this is all just too much for me at the moment. My Drawspace lessons are moving greatly, but at this point, as I almost reached the end of the Beginners section, all I want to do is to skip the lessons left to be done and move one to the Intermediate section! And that would be cheating and I don't want to do that.

I do hope that in several days I will be able to get back to normal and continue my training.

Wishing you the best of weeks,

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