
November 08, 2013

Tips and tricks: How to make pencil sharpening more efficient?

Hi all!!

Are you familiar with this situation that you have to sharpen your pencils over and over again? I'm sure you are! And then you have to go to your trash can over and over again? What a time waste, isn't it? So what do you do?

Well, the first thing to do is to go and buy several pencils of the same type and sharpen them all at once. But what if it's not enough? What if your sketch requires really thin pencil tip and you have to resharpen every other strike you make? What if you don't use these huge sharpeners but still keep it with the simple small ones? Bummer! So I decided to put an end to it. Since I'm pretty lazy by nature, I used to take a tissue paper and sharpen everything in it and only then through it all away. But recently, I have to sharpen one pencil only pretty frequently. So I use A LOT of tissue paper now. After a while I decided not to waste so much paper but take a simple container to turn in to my sharpening bin. Yes, it's exactly the sharpener and container principle but why should I buy something if I can use things I already have?

So I took this cute container I bought years ago from Ikea
(it's true, it's been sitting in the kitchen closet for like 10 years now, waiting for it's time to shine!!!) and started using it. It's light, easy to open (no screwing required), fits perfectly in my palm and I love its shape. I actually use the same container for my erasers and sharpeners.

Bu you know, any small see through plastic box will fit. I just happened to have these cuties, so why not use them?

I hope you find this idea useful.

Have a great day,

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