
December 16, 2013

How to arrange your pencils to make the work efficient

Hi all.

It's been a year since I started the Drawspace art program. The progress is visible and it's wonderful. I draw as I've never drown before and I love it! At this point I'm actually done with the Beginners section and moved on to the Intermediates.
While becoming a little bit more skilled than the same period last year I keep looking for ways to make my work more efficient. I always look for shortcuts. Just like with Short-keys in any software that make the workflow smoother and user friendlier - the same goes here. I look for these "short-keys" to make it easier to work. It doesn't have to necessarily be something big. I believe that every little thing can be helpful. Like a good and comfortable knife or a good pair of scissors. Or a comfortable mouse.

You probably remember my DIY pencil box utilization. I now look for the most comfortable way to arrange my pencils while working with different grades. After all, these are not colored pencils so they all look the same. And it's not that comfortable to always look for the right number on its end. And I'm not becoming blind; I'm just being lazy to look for that right pencil all the time.

At the moment that's what I do: I put my pencils by order, hardest to softest. It's not the best, but it's something. Or maybe one day I'll just purchase this arranger and use it.

Do you have any ideas? Do share here; I'm sure I'm not the only one looking for answers :).

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