
December 26, 2013

The unpublished post

Hi all.

Did it ever happen to you that you had an idea but you never got a time/chance to execute it? I'm sure you did. During these past two years when this blog really started to develop I made a long list of draft posts that I wanted to publish but never did. These ideas would pop into my head while researching, or sketching or reading or even watching a movie or taking a walk. If I had a chance I would make a draft post on the subject - just several lines with a short description for myself so I remember what I planned to write about. Sometimes it would be just a headline of the post.

I had some of those in 2012 and when I didn't publish them I said, ok, I'll do it next year. And I moved them to the end of my Blogger draft list. But the thing is that some of these drafts never made it to the Published list this year too! Apparently, 2013 was more intense than 2012. And I am thankful for that. I am writing these lines while rescheduling many of my draft posts, and I have a lot to reschedule. And that is good!

So why did I reschedule and didn't publish them as planned? Because those could be rescheduled. Because there were other posts that should have been published first. Like my Drawing lessons posts or anything else directly related to drawing. Next year's theme would be Creativity Development, so that subject might become some kind of priority. These are the posts that are not a "must" kind of posts but a nice reserve for the case I'll have no idea for tomorrow's post. And I'm thankful that never happened. If you followed this blog from the beginning of the year you could see that at some point I started publishing every other day, which, in my opinion, is not little.

I do hope that one day I will publish all of my rescheduled posts so you'll be able to read them after all.

Have a great day and a great year!


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