
January 04, 2014

2013 is over - let us conclude!

It's 4th of January, 2014 and it's time to conclude the year that passed. 
My 2013 Resolution was long and this is the result of my last year's actions. 

  1. Sketch, sketch, sketch. As much as possible!!! - done. Hundreds of sketches were made this year.
  2. Learn to draw Chinese calendar characters - hmmmm, maybe next year.
  3. Finish the flower project this year. At this point I have 24 unpublished posts. I must finish them. It just doesn't feel right to leave it as it is - Well, actually it was 24 pre-scheduled unpublished posts. I have way more but at the moment I'm 12 posts less than I had last year. So I'm good, right? 
  4. Work on portraits and human figure sketches. - Drawspace
  5. Be ready with a holiday illustration(s) at least one month in advance - At this point it's only holiday greeting cards for clients, but I'm usually ready 2 weeks in advance.
  6. Do Drawspace lessons weekly - posting every other day.
  7. Become a regular on Illustration Friday - I wish. I will.
  8. Learn to shade properly - working on it via Drawspace)
  9. Learn to draw water properly.
  10. Do Animals drawing - did some, via Drawspace program (cartoons mostly).
  11. Follow all Shoo Rayner Youtube tuts (added 27.02.13).
  12. Learn more about Graphic Design (added 29.05.13) doing on a regular basis
  13. Keep developing my Graphiking gift shop. At the moment it stands on 345 items.
  14. Keep blogging - at least once a week. - At this point the blogging stands on a 1 in 2 days ratio.
  15. Develop readership for this blog - working on it :)
  16. Do more SEO - working on it :)
So, to conclude everything, I've checked 8 out of 16 items. It's not wonderful but these are major and everyday tasks, so I should be proud of checking half of my list out. Some of these things are to become a full time activity in the future. I hope that with practice will bring an experience and a speed, so things will get to be done better and quicker than now. 

I believe that most of this list will make an appearance in my new, 2014 year resolution; some of the items will be added on the way. 

There's one more thing. 
Some time ago I declared that in 2013 I want to illustrated and publish a children's book. This is basically why I intensively started to learn how to draw. I realize now that I lived in a dream world. I see no way how it would happen this year. I am not as skilled as I wish to be for that task. I know I will someday, but just not now. At this point all I should do is practice.

And what about your list? Have you checked it? What are your results? 
P.S. After reading this post I've 
realize that I wasn't really spell checking my posts in the past. Bad thing to do. I know I do now, several times for each post, but I guess I didn't in the past. 

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