
April 07, 2014

Drawspace lesson R01: Working with color

This is the first time in this program when it's students are suggested to work with color. I will be exploring two media here: a simple colored pencil and an oil Panda chalk. Both are new to me and both are interesting.

The first thing I realized was that my pencils don't mix really well, so I might as well change them. It's either that or I don't know how to use them properly. It could definitely be both.

My oil Panda chalks mixed a bit better, but still the mix is not as good as the existing greens, purples and oranges that come with the set.

I didn't bother on making the color wheel, although I realize it's important when working with color. But I'm sure that the moment I need one I will be able to make it.

So far, so good....

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