
April 16, 2014

Drawspace lesson S01: Working with color.

This is the first lesson that I'll be working in color. For that matter I will be using my Panda oil chalks and 180gr paper. Since I'm missing dark blue here, I will be adding some purple to make it darker.

This is my first try.

I blended it with tissue paper but id didn't do the sketch any good.

Then I decided to do the same with my lousy colored pencils.

Conclusion - they are indeed lousy.

After that I searched the web for some techniques and found this video. Apparently, you can use a cue tip to make it blend. So I gave it another try.

Not perfect but better.

On the way I added 3 tasks added to my 2014 Resolution list: explore pastel drawing, colored pencil drawing and water color drawing techniques.

P.S. Several days before publishing this post I bought a new set of colored oil-based pencils. Here's the sketch.

Oh, the joy!!! I can't even start to describe the experience, it felt so right! Effortless, easy and smooth work. You can see the difference between the petals: there are two of them that I pressures the pencil harder than on the other three, but still. The effort was at it's minimum. I love it!
The only thing I can say now is goodbye old pencils, hello new ones!!!

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