
May 27, 2014

Drawspace art program: the conclusion.

I (almost) finished the Drawspace art program!!!

It's been exactly a year and a half since I dived in. And I'm so happy I did.

Looking back at what I've learned I can truly say that it was a necessary and wonderful experience. The tight schedule I set myself made me work harder and be more determined at reaching my final goal at that point - to finish the program. Yes, I did skip some of the sections, but so what? I did 90% of it and for that I'm proud.

There are many things I've learned.

First - I've learned to work with new materials: graded and colored pencils, different types of papers and themes. I learned a bit about shading, grading and blending. I little touch of perspective was also nice.

Second - I gained some new habits, like using a tissue paper when shading with graphite pencils; I became more accurate and organized with anything that has to do with drawing.

But mostly, I became more confident with the way I draw. I don't get cold legs anymore whenever I decide to draw something.

Which is really nice.

So this is the place to thank Brenda Hoddinott, the artist that created this program and say that I don't regret for a second for taking this adventure.

Wish you all the best of luck!

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