
August 01, 2014

Developing creativity: Illustraion friday weekly tasks

I remember writing about while being a freshmen in art school we were given a weekly exercise. Our teachers would give us a subject and we would try and create some original art. After the school was over this practice was obviously neglected, just like making art in general. Illustration Friday - and I know for sure I already wrote about this program - gives just this opportunity: to practice creativity.

So from now on I will be working on a weekly subject and show the results here. The goal is to learn how to develop an idea that could become an illustration in the future. By no means I intend - at least, at this point - to create perfect illustrations. I only intend to do my best and develop my creativity.

These are my recently done projects for IF:

This is not much, just some tryouts and stretchings for my brain, but like I said in the Repeat post: these are only baby steps, which I find so important for my progress.

I hope many will come in the future.

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