
October 01, 2014

Drawing in 4 steps - a book review.

When I started developing my first interest in drawing I bought some step-by-step drawing booklets. All of them thin, subject focused. While very enthusiastic about working with them I've realized after a while that they are no use to me. Draw a line here, make a line there... No logical explanations whatsoever about anything...

So when a family member got me this book of drawing in steps I said, well, it's probably a useless one, as most of them (well, for me, at least...). Apparently, not this one. The book is called "Art school: A world around you" by Marina Antipova ("Школа рисования - мир вокруг тебя", Марина Антипова) and I loved it from the second I opened it.

While going through it I've realized that this children drawing book is perfect for those like me who're doing their first baby steps in this field.

The book suggests drawing simple subjects like leaves, mushrooms and food.

After that it moves on to things like toys, animals and trucks.

So I guess this will be one of my next projects - to learn from this book and after completing, have a set of cute copied drawings.

I will be working by it and keep posting the results here. I hope by the end of the year this new notebook will be filled with colorful sketches.

P.S. Funny, it's the first day of the month and I begin a new project. It sure feels nice...

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