
November 12, 2014

15 before 2015 - an end of the year goal challenge

I found this challenge a day after its due but I decided to take it anyway.
The idea is to finish 15 important tasks before the end of 2014 and I thought it would be interesting to push it a little more, up till the end.

So this is my list:
  1. Repaint a room.
  2. Finish a New Year calendar for a client.
  3. Participate in at least 5 Conjure's flashmobs.
  4. Finish another learn to draw program.
  5. Start a new learn-to-draw art program.
  6. Finish my blue sweater.
  7. Start a new sweater.
  8. Create a new Hannukah card for Daynix.
  9. Create a New year card, also for Daynix. 
  10. Create a wall clock for my son.
  11. Hang 5 shelves.
  12. Cook at least 10 recipes from the same cook book.
  13. Arrange 2 birthday parties.
  14. Add some products to my Zazzle shop.
  15. Have a baby :)
I challenge you on this!!!

Have a great end of the year!

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