
July 05, 2013

Drawspace Lesson D02: Graduating squirkles

Hi all,

and welcome to Lesson D02 of a DrawSpace art program.

Just as I thought, this lesson is also dealing with a Squirkling shading method. As I finished reading the lesson, I thought to myself "yeaH, that's gonna be a good one" - why? No idea. I guess I do enjoy the practice and the process in general.

The task was to make Squirkled gradients in a 4 rectangle and in 2 squares.

When I started to plan my sketches I wondered weather should I make them small or large scaled, since there's a chance I'll have to deal with different sized objects in the future. So I decided to do both - there will be a single paged sketch with all the figures and a multi-paged sketch.

This is, obviously, a single page sketch. I found it pretty easily done, although, I did struggle a bit with Squares. Since it was a tiny and narrow figure, I found myself changing going from one pencil to another several times to make a perfect blend.
Also I was surprised to realize that it was not so difficult to blend from dark to light, since all my art teachers taught be to go from light to dark. Or am I wrong?

That's the larger scale. While drawing the big squares I did it up do bottom. It was pretty tempting to Squirkle left to right but I didn't in the end.

It was a fine lesson. I learned another method of shading, one I wasn't aware of before. In the future I plan to publish a collection of all shading methods I learned on this program, so it might as well be published next year.

Se you soon,

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