
July 07, 2013

Drawspace lesson D03 - how to daw the Pupil of Iris.

Hi all,

Take a deep breath because in this lesson, B03, we are to draw a human eye. Exited? I know I am. There will be two sketches in all - one for a light color and one for a dark.
There are specific instruction for pencil usage every step of the way, so it shouldn't be difficult.

This is the third lesson, I believe that I'm actually using pencils of different values and when I began I started laughing. Maybe it's not that funny, but I've realized that my pencils - ranged from 2H to 6B - arranged perfectly in front of me. Why is it funny? Why is it funny? Because, as much as I try to be arranged and organized, I'm usually all over the place. But here they are, my five perfectly arrange pencils ready for me. Funny. And weird....

Anyway, this is the outline. As you can see, there are some lines I haven't erased, but I'll deal with them later.

And this is my step-by-step sketch.

It was my very first time drawing an eye. It's plain and basic at the moment but this is where you begin, I guess. After all, it is a program for beginners.

I'll see you soon.

Have a great day,

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