
January 11, 2015

15 before 2015 - last 15 tasks before the beginning of 2015.

Several weeks ago I set myself a challenge of 15 last tasks before the end of this year (Lisa Jackobs, thanks for the challenge).

And since the year is over, I should be reporting about the result of this challenge. So here it goes:

  1. Repaint a room - check!
  2. Finish a New Year calendar for a client.
  3. Participate in at least 5 Conjure's flashmobs.
  4. Finish a "learn to draw" program - check! I finished 2 programs, as a matter of fact!
  5. Start a new learn-to-draw art program - check: working on Drawing is easy (russian).
  6. Finish my blue sweater.
  7. Start a new sweater.
  8. Create a new Hannukah card for Daynix.
  9. Create a New year card, also for Daynix - check! 
  10. Create a wall clock for my son.
  11. Hang 5 shelves.
  12. Cook at least 10 recipes from the same cook book - check!
  13. Arrange 2 birthday parties - check!
  14. Add some products to my Zazzle shop - check! added more than 100 products to my Graphiking shop.
  15. Have a baby :) - check!
So, 8 ot of 15 are checked! Not amazing, but not bad either. I really hoped for more to be done but I let myself procrastinate a bit. I am still glad I set myself this challenge and I already scheduled a new one for the end of this year. 

Happy new year, everyone. May you reach all the goals you set yourself in 2015.

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