
January 07, 2015

2015: A New year Resolution.

So now, when I concluded 2014, it's time for a new resolution. Once again I will share my goal list that, as always, will grow over the year. The list will also include some of the last years goals and tasks - those that are still relevant for today.

So, here its is.
  1. ABC Challenge - create several illustrated ABC's on different themes: general, fairy tales, food, flowers, etc. Each letter with several items.
  2. Learn blind typing.
  3. Illustrate children's book - I'm thinking of just taking any book and illustrate it. I'm still considering it. 
  4. Learn to draw with a ball pen or any other media which is not a graphite pencil
  5. Illustrate favorite recipes.
  6. Sketch, sketch, sketch! As much as possible.
  7. Be ready with holiday illustration at least 1 month in advance. 
  8. Become a regular on Illustration Friday.
  9. Participate in drawing flashmobs and drawing challenges
  10. Keep developing my Graphiking gift shop with new Holiday illustrations
  11. Keep blogging.
  12. Develop readership for this blog..
  13. Get back to Stock Illustration.
  14. Learn to draw with water color. 
  15. Learn how to work with my Inkling Wacom pen. 
  16. Make my blog look nicer. 
  17. Work on each and every subject from the Art school book separately, draw from life as much as possible.
  18. Learn more about proportion in drawing.
  19. Start kids line of clothing on Zazzle with cute illustrations. 
  20. Learn how to make these pancakes.
  21. Keep blogging!
  22. Learn to draw learn Monkeys and apes for the next 2016 year.
  23. Create Olympic symbols for the upcoming Olympic games this summer in Rio.
  24. Read more books - my crave for reading is back. So this year I'll start my new reading list. Hopefully they will be both interesting and inspiring.
  25. Learn to draw in a simplified way, not to many details. (added 28.6.15)
As you can see, comparing to the 2014 list - this one is really really short. I actually cut off those items I kept because keeping them was "the right thing to do" and as a habit. I guess I should really be focusing on what is really interesting. But no worries - it will grow over the year. 

My first reflection stop will be made in July, 1st, when I'll be doing my mid-year "resolution list inspection". 

In the meantime do visit my Graphiking gift shop on Zazzle. Remember, Valentine day is just around the corner...

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